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MG 2022 Peterborough

Contact Peter Mittler   647-693-4914
Location Trent University, Peterborough, ON, Canada
Date June 19, 2022

The M.G. Car Club of Toronto Inc. is pleased to announce that the 30th Anniversary of the FIRST North American MGB Register convention, MG '92, will be held in the SAME host city again! This will also celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the MGB and will FEATURE anything and everything to do with NAMGBR's "Next Generation" members and "Post-Abingdon Cars" like the MGF, TF and MGRV8.

For vintage racing fans, we have also planned this event to coincide with and follow on immediately after the VARAC and MGVR Father's Day weekend event being held at the Canadian Tire Motorsport Park (formerly Mosport).

Please save the dates June 19 to 23, 2022 for an MG extravaganza.

This will be the fourth National Convention organised by the MGCCT on behalf of NAMGBR, having hosted MG'92, MG2010 (Belleville) and MG2015 (Niagara Falls).

Join the chat in the official MG 2022 forum here: MG 2022 Peterborough Forum

76 Members Attending this event   ↵

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Member Comments on event   ↵
2020-09-28 14:27:19 # 66407
Comment by Peter Mittler
2020-09-28 14:29:52 # 66408
Comment by Peter Mittler
2020-09-28 14:32:09 # 66409
Comment by Peter Mittler
On the promo video the sound track starts 20 seconds in. I may fix that
2020-10-06 08:04:17 # 66596
Comment by Drew Hastings
30 years later the feeling will be the same..."fun cars, good times and GREAT people"...!!! Looking forward to seeing old friends again and making new ones in Peterborough come 2022....
2020-12-03 13:11:34 # 67822
Comment by John Anderson
Right on! something to look forward other than Covid Vaccine!
2020-12-03 13:49:45 # 67823
Comment by Peter Mittler
Lets hope!
2020-12-04 06:13:16 # 67862
Comment by Peter Mittler
Lets hope!
2021-01-05 13:50:22 # 68677
Comment by John Deikis
Now I have to figure out how to get my race Midget to Mosport and my B to Peterborough with only one ass. ;-)
2021-02-07 14:04:59 # 69676
Comment by Mark Bates
will there be a spot for our MG-A's
2021-02-07 16:08:11 # 69770
Comment by Peter Mittler
Absolute there is a class in the NAMGBR BALLOT for As So yes
2021-03-10 17:22:43 # 71226
Comment by Duncan Taylor
Looking forward to this !.. Montreal MG Car Club planning a 'pre-lube' event for those travelling from East of Montreal !
2021-06-17 18:07:38 # 74565
Comment by Tony Shoviak
The Shoviaks plan on being there
2021-06-17 21:47:04 # 74567
Comment by Peter Mittler
Great Tony. Folks the phone number is no longer correct up at the top so just email mail
2021-10-03 12:55:23 # 76885
Comment by John Cairns
New owner of a 5 speed '78...looking forward to meeting the many MG owners at this great event. BTW , John Twist will be there...spoke to him last week as he helped me fine tune the new rack & pinion just installed.

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1980 MG Midget 1500
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