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WTB - Original MGA Black Door Panels

Moss Motors
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Price: $1
Location: Jay, VT, USA
JackinVT Jack Malone
Jay, VT, USA   USA
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So my plan has always been to re-install my original interior, minus the carpeting, back into my restoration. It's not perfect as you can imagine, but that is perfectly fine by me. I already was able to source an original replacement armrest here after discovering a mouse ate most of mine. Now going through the pieces I realize the door panels are not the originals. I have owned this car for close to fifty years now, and have not driven it in over twenty. In those many years I had forgotten that I had replaced them back in the early days of ownership. I also forgot what a lousy job I did making them. So I am hoping someone here who has replaced their original interior, saved the old pieces, and now might be willing to part with the door panels. They don't have to be perfect naturally, needing some work is fine, but would have to be whole. Here's hoping I get lucky a second time.

Thanks for reading!

"If I agreed with you, we'd both be wrong."

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