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British Motoring Festival

Location King's-Edgehill School, Windsor, NS, Canada
Date July 16, 2016

The Seventh Annual British Motoring Festival will take place July 16, 2016, and once again we will enjoy the beautiful King's-Edgehill School campus in Windsor, Nova Scotia. King's-Edgehill is the oldest private school in Canada, dating back to 1788. The 65 acres of lawn and shade trees is just 40 minutes from Halifax.

Last year the Saturday events saw 135 participating vehicles from New England, Ontario, Quebec, and the Atlantic Provinces, and was well attended once again by visitors who came to see the great cars, motorcycles, trucks, even tractors, as well as to enjoy some authentic British cuisine and entertainment.

Planning for the 2016 event has begun, and we are hoping to have many of the past features, as well as some new ones. The great band Emerald Tide will be returning to entertain us on Saturday. This year we'll be repeating the annual Cricket Match, the exciting Valve Cover race, and back by popular demand, the Skit! As well, English cuisine and vendor booths will be available on site. Once again, folks can enjoy the town-walk and tour of the Haliburton House Museum, this year featuring the Hockey Museum. Stay tuned.

We'll kick off Friday evening with a street party on Water Street (the block where the Spitfire Arms is situated). The street will be closed off and we hope as many participants as possible will park their cars and mingle with the public. There will be entertainment and a chance to dine at one of the three restaurants in the block. (This replaces the Friday night reception). Saturday has the show with public viewing from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM, and Saturday evening participants can join us for a banquet in air conditioned comfort. Sunday morning participants will enjoy the Spitfire breakfast, then the driving tour which winds through scenic back roads to a local point of interest.

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